Our Owner

Jeff Banes, has been in the roofing industry for nearly his whole life. Growing up in a family roofing business has afforded him the opportunity to learn the business inside and out, thereby learning ultimately about what works and what doesn’t. Over the years, his job roles have been of increasing responsibility. including acting as a laborer, roofing mechanic, technology lead, salesman, to project manager.  All of these positions have immensely contributed to his holistic view of the roofing industry. The hands on experience has proved to be the most valuable asset in his ability to fully understand the customer’s problem, and to then provide them with the necessary information needed to make an informed decision. As the owner of the company, Jeff’s pride and energy spent on ensuring the customers and his own staff, are happy and satisfied, is what has kept his energy and passion for roofing a part of his every day.

The cycle of roofing and reroofing never ends. One way or another, like it or not, the process from having a new roof installed to having to replace or repair a roof again, always comes full circle. Windows, Siding, Gutters – other related roofing services, fall into this same category. In these times when every dollar counts and contractors with a reputation for competence and reliability are hard to find, it’s important to make the right choice.. People cherish their homes and JB Roofing Systems feels lucky and honored to be included in this process.